I'm not sure about this .. but check what you have at "Settings | File Encodings | IDE Encoding" -- set it to UTF-8 if different (restart of PhpStorm most likely will be required as well).
Using this simple stupid script (which makes no real sense -- it's for illustration purposes only) ... it seems to work OK for me with IDE Encoding set to UTF-8 (PHP file itself has UTF-8 encoding as well)
P.S. I'm on Windows 7 x64 SP1 ENG.
Chinese text was taken from footer of some website.
TBH -- don't know why it does not work for you -- must be some system settings.
1) Maybe it is actual font issue? I doubt, since you said you are using English Windows 7 .. but just try changing IDE font used for GUI part (Settings | Appearance | Override default fonts by..)
BTW -- is output in Console tab is fine ..or it is squares/garbage as well?
3) Java/System default locale/codepage? Unfortunately I do not know how to force specific one for Java (that's in case if yours is not English at all; mine is UK English) and if it will matter at all in this particular instance.
4) Outdated xdebug? Currently I'm using latest 2.2.2 (on Windows; PHP 5.4.14; IIS 7.5).
You may collect debugger logs (both from PhpStorm side as well as xdebug side) and see what they are transmitting -- at least you should be able to see if the issue is on xdebug/remote side or PhpStorm own bug.
Other than that -- no real ideas. Maybe worth submitting a ticket directly to the Issue Tracker -- devs should know better what else may affect this.
Hi there,
I'm not sure about this .. but check what you have at "Settings | File Encodings | IDE Encoding" -- set it to UTF-8 if different (restart of PhpStorm most likely will be required as well).
Using this simple stupid script (which makes no real sense -- it's for illustration purposes only) ... it seems to work OK for me with IDE Encoding set to UTF-8 (PHP file itself has UTF-8 encoding as well)

I'm on Windows 7 x64 SP1 ENG.
Chinese text was taken from footer of some website.

Thanks for your help.
Here is my result.
I must miss something. Here is my setting.
My system: Win 7 X64 SP1 Eng.
TBH -- don't know why it does not work for you -- must be some system settings.
1) Maybe it is actual font issue? I doubt, since you said you are using English Windows 7 .. but just try changing IDE font used for GUI part (Settings | Appearance | Override default fonts by..)
BTW -- is output in Console tab is fine ..or it is squares/garbage as well?
2) PHP's own default_charset settings (from php.ini)? I have mine left at default (means: no specific value at all -- whole is commented out): http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.default-charset
3) Java/System default locale/codepage? Unfortunately I do not know how to force specific one for Java (that's in case if yours is not English at all; mine is UK English) and if it will matter at all in this particular instance.
4) Outdated xdebug? Currently I'm using latest 2.2.2 (on Windows; PHP 5.4.14; IIS 7.5).
You may collect debugger logs (both from PhpStorm side as well as xdebug side) and see what they are transmitting -- at least you should be able to see if the issue is on xdebug/remote side or PhpStorm own bug.
Other than that -- no real ideas. Maybe worth submitting a ticket directly to the Issue Tracker -- devs should know better what else may affect this.
Thanks! Solve the problem by changing IDE font used for GUI part.
Best Regards,
What font do you use for GUI part?
Don't know -- default one.

Maybe it depends on Theme used (previously known as "Look and Feel")? I'm using "Windows"
I modified Theme from "Alloy. IDEA Theme" to "window".
It works (My previous fix is choose Chinese fonts).