JSP Error highlighting all out of wack. #632

#632, Win2K, JDK 1.4.0_01

The error highlighter for JSP is all out of wack. Every single end brace is
highlighted in red. Along with the corresponding 'else'. The file works
fine and it was green all the way in #629.

Also my jsp:include statements of files and pages are highlighted in red now
too. However if I put a '.' in front of the path it turns green. Is that
the standard?

Rob Andres

Permanently deleted user

I'm also having this problem, with end braces and 'else' statements

Rob Andres wrote:

#632, Win2K, JDK 1.4.0_01

The error highlighter for JSP is all out of wack. Every single end brace is
highlighted in red. Along with the corresponding 'else'. The file works
fine and it was green all the way in #629.

Also my jsp:include statements of files and pages are highlighted in red now
too. However if I put a '.' in front of the path it turns green. Is that
the standard?

Rob Andres

Permanently deleted user

As far as I know, the ending curly braces problem is fixed on #633.


"Colin Evans" <colinhevans@hotmail.com> a ?crit dans le message news:

I'm also having this problem, with end braces and 'else' statements


Rob Andres wrote:

#632, Win2K, JDK 1.4.0_01


The error highlighter for JSP is all out of wack. Every single end

brace is

highlighted in red. Along with the corresponding 'else'. The file


fine and it was green all the way in #629.


Also my jsp:include statements of files and pages are highlighted in red


too. However if I put a '.' in front of the path it turns green. Is


the standard?


Rob Andres




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