Multiple output paths.
Hi all,
I'm evaluating Ariadna - build 629, and I find it a very impressive tool!
....but I have the following problem:
I have a J2EE project which contains an EJB sub-project and a Web
sub-project. I want to compile my EJB files directly in the directory where
the EJB classes are deployed:
and my Web files directly in the directory where the Web classes are
To achieve this, I created 2 source paths and I chose Output type = Multiple
output paths in Project Properties. One source path contains my EJB files
and has Output path = %application_home%\ejb-module\, the other contains my
Web files and has Output path =
My problem is, Ariadna compiles the source files not in the directories I
mentioned above, but in
%ariadna_installation_home%\system\output\498d6120 ! Then I have to manually
copy the files in my two output directories.
I mention that I have enabled Web application support and EJB integration in
Project Properties.
What could cause my problem and how can I avoid it?
Radu Zaharia
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