PHPUnit code coverage : wrong files coverage rate
I'm not sure this is about PhpStorm, but maybe someone here could help.
We're just beginning to use unit testing with PHPUnit / PhpStorm, and we're facing an issue.
Our test classes are next to tested classes in our file system.
In my example, I have lib/Chrono.php and lib/ChronoTest.php
But we didn't manage to exclude test files from coverage metrics for data displayed in the Project view.
So the test files are counted in total files in each folder, which displays 50% coverage while 100% are covered.
This is a real issue for us, because we aim 100% file coverage and wanted to rely on PhpStorm to get this information.
Here is my PHPUnit xml file
<phpunit bootstrap="CONFIG.php" colors="true">
<testsuite name="Test Laurent conf Fred">
<directory suffix="Test.php">lib</directory>
<directory suffix=".php">lib</directory>
<directory suffix="Test.php">lib</directory>
<log type="coverage-html" target="./codeCoverage" charset="UTF-8"
yui="true" highlight="false"
lowUpperBound="35" highLowerBound="70"/>
<log type="coverage-clover" target="./codeCoverage/codeCoverage.xml"/>
<log type="metrics-xml" target="./metrics/metrics.xml"/>
<log type="test-xml" target="./testResults/logfile.xml" logIncompleteSkipped="false"/>
I tried many combinations with excludes, blacklists but nothing worked.
Any idea ? Thanks a lot ;)
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Hi Laurent,
You only reliable option is to PROPERLY separate tested classes from actual tests (this will work fine in both any IDE and PHPUnit itself).
Shortly speaking: tested classes in one folder and tests in another (which should be marked as Test Source Root in "Settings | Directories")
Of course, you are free to submit Feature / Bug ticket to the Issue Tracker (if it is not there already) and it may get fixed .. but separating tests from actual classes is more correct approach (and will work everywhere).
#2 -- If you are referring to wrong percentage for specific file (fro your screenshot: "98% lines") -- it's either
In any case:
Hi Andriy
thanks for your quick and very clear answer.
#1 Files coverage metric
We are currently discussing about where to place the test classes, and we are not sure yet.
That's how we found this issue, so I guess we'll separate test classes and actual ones.
#2 Lines coverage metric
We have this issue too, I didn't mention it here because I found the issue you pointed on Youtrack.
I tried to add return statement to each method with no effect.
But when I use IDE settings to point tests instead of xml configuration, I get 100% coverage as expected.
Thanks again
Hi Laurent,
More and more people think keeping test files close to their tested file is a best practice. I do so.
If you wish to keep your folder structure, you could just include your test files in your coverage whitelist (remove it from your whitelist exclusions). It would solve your count issue, and also show you very interesting things in your test code.