Find usages not working reliably.
There seems to be an issue with find usages not reliably finding all usages.
I am using the latest EAP for phpstorm 6.
I right click on the function (the scope is set to project) and it says there are no usages. Later on I am working on something else and find usages of the function that phpstorm said werent there.
After further tinkering it seems as if (even though I have the scope set to project) it is only searching files that are open in a tab.
If I open the tab, it finds the usages.
If I close that tab, it can no longer find the usages.
I have the scope set to search the whole project (find usages settings) but that doesnt appear to be what is actually happening.
Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a work around?
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Joshua, are you searching for PHP or JavaScript function?
I am using search for php.
Didnt realize another had been released until today. Yes, 124.509.
We can't use 124.509 due to
I didn't realize another version was released either - wonder why I did not get the email.
Oh wait, I only see a Webstorm update, not a PHPStorm update.
Ah, I guess it was released last Wednesday and I didn't notice. I tested in the newer one and I don't seem to have the issue. So it is either fixed or there were some circumstances that are no longer present (I'm using a machine at work instead of at home now).
Edit: I think I must be loosing my mind. That is a webstorm update :). So it must have been
124.373 and the newer one at work is now 124.509.
Hi Joshua,
I'm sorry, does it work in the end?
I've found the same thing. I can't get Find Usages to work at all.
I'm working on an existing PHP project. Whatever I try it just says No usages found.
I'm using the current version - downloaded yesterday.
(I've just started evaluating phpStorm for use with a Codeigniter project. This is the first time I've used it - so it's quite possible I'm missing something somewhere!)
David, are you using PhpStorm 6 EAP? Can you attach idea.log? (Help -> Reveal log)
No - I'm using PHPStorm 5.0.4 Build PS 121-390
OK, log file is welcome. And a screenshot of the search dialog as well.
Where do I find idea.log?
There isn't a Reveal log menu item under Help.
The only log reference I can find anywhere is the event log - which doesn't generate anything when I run Find Usages.
I've attached the dialogue box for Find Usages, and the resulting message
find usages result.jpg
Find Usages.jpg
I found it here: C:\Users\josh\.WebIde60\system\log
Probably just replace josh with your username.
I'm running on a Mac. So the location will be different
Is there a /home directory?
It might be in a simliar location: /home/username/.webide60 or something similar.
It's in a different folder on Mac, but there should be a menu item for it:
Sure.. You COULD do it that way. But where is the fun? Where is your sense of adventure? :)
OK, thanks - I found it in ~/Library/Logs/WebIde50/idea.log - attached
OK - found it. Thanks
Thanks, log looks good. Does the problem reproduce on a small sample project?
Hi David,
1) See if File | Invalidate Caches will help.
2) Does PhpStorm complains about the method (or whatever you are searching for) in any way (when you using it, not when declaring) -- I mean, any warnings (like "Unknown method" etc)? Can you show a screenshot of such call?
I tried that but the result was the same. No error messages of any sort.