Navigate to line number

I'm using some custom lint scripts which output error descriptions in the Run window as seen below:

/Users/mats/Documents/JavaScriptLint/jsl -conf jsl.default.conf -process /Users/mats/Documents/workspace/ExtScheduler3.x/js/Sch/view/HorizontalTimeAxis.js
JavaScript Lint 0.3.0 (JavaScript-C 1.5 2004-09-24)
Developed by Matthias Miller (

/Users/mats/Documents/workspace/ExtScheduler3.x/js/Sch/view/HorizontalTimeAxis.js:91: lint warning: unexpected end of line; it is ambiguous whether these lines are part of the same statement

/Users/mats/Documents/workspace/ExtScheduler3.x/js/Sch/view/HorizontalTimeAxis.js:129: lint warning: unexpected end of line; it is ambiguous whether these lines are part of the same statement

/Users/mats/Documents/workspace/ExtScheduler3.x/js/Sch/view/HorizontalTimeAxis.js:136: lint warning: unexpected end of line; it is ambiguous whether these lines are part of the same statement

/Users/mats/Documents/workspace/ExtScheduler3.x/js/Sch/view/HorizontalTimeAxis.js:311: lint warning: missing semicolon

0 error(s), 4 warning(s)

Process finished with exit code 1

How can I make WebStorm go to a specific line if I double click the error? Other IDE's support this easily...


Add it as External Tool and configure capture patterns for linking.


Ok, I found this dialog - can you suggest the right RegEx to get a link out of the text in the console?


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