Number of code lines, comment lines, and empty lines
Given a JavaScript file, for intance the jQuery Core file: which consists of 8981 lines, if I load this file in WebStorm, is there anywhere information about how many
(1) lines of code
(2) comment lines
(3) empty lines
there are?
(1) + (2) + (3) = 8981
So, does WebStrom provide this information? If not, please do implement this !
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phpStorm does show the line count in the bottom status bar. eg: 14:31 31 is the line count 14 the position of the cursor.
What I use beyhond that is a command line tool Cloc
Hello Jeff,
Please create a feature request -
Thank you for feedback!
There is a relevant plugin for the platform
But its currently incompatible with all but IDEA IDEs.
You try pinging the author for a compatible update.
That's really useful, thanks!
Did you create a feature request? I couldn't find it in YouTRACK...