FTP Synchronazion Restart
i started project from existing rempote.
synchronization to local folder takes a little to long for me => i stoped it.
now i would synchronze the rest => i could not find button for run synchronization
another question: do you think its better to use a SFTP/FTP mount tool? like this http://www.eldos.com/sftp-net-drive/
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Hi Sebastian,
Find and activate "Remote Host" tool window (should be already available on right side since you have created the project with FTP/SFTP access): View | Tool Windows | Remote Host. In case it is not listed there -- "Tools | Deployment | Browse Remote Host". From there , via right click .. or directly from "Tools | Deployment" .. or even right from "Right Click | Deployment" on a folder/file in "Project View" .. you will have few options:
Hi Bazzik. Yes "Remote Host" was always there and first i take a look to the context menu (right mouse).
But till yet options
ar not listend there. please see screenshot.
Till yet (yesterday) i tried project view > synchronize
==> nothing happend (no messege, no status bar, nothing vissible).
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FTP Synchronazion Restart JetBrains Developer Community - Mozilla Firefox_2012-08-07_05-50-34.png
Hi Sebastian,
It's different thing -- it re-reads local project from disk searching for any external changes (edited/new/deleted files and folders) that were missing during automatic folder monitoring -- it has nothing to do with synchronising local copy with remote one. Yes, the name of the command is quite missleading in this regard, but that is how it is done.
Based on your screenshots I think path mappings may be missing. Settings | Deployment | your deployment entry for this project:
YES remote has no value
(see screenshot)
i will fixed it and it loos now great :) (see screenshot number two)
Program Manager_2012-08-07_13-21-03.png
Please note that "Tools | Deployment | Configuration" will show details of deployment entry marked as Default for this project (which is fine for most situations), but if you have more than one deployment entry (e.g. Test Server and Production Server) then you will have to use "Settings | Deployment" to edit non-default entry.
Tools | Deployment | Configuration shows all servers (they are listed on the left), as I've just checked on PhpStorm 4.0.3. However, marking server as Default enables more confortable work with deployment actions from Project View.
Yep, apparently it shows all of them. Somehow I was sure it was only for default one (maybe it was the behaviour in previous versions, since I do not use "Tools | Deployment | Configuration" and prefer "classic" Settings | Deployment).
Thanks for mentioning it.