Little bug:Open from existing FTP - shortcut for next is not alt+e. alt+n works

Little bug:Open project from existing FTP - shortcut for next is not alt+e. alt+n works



Any bugs should be reported directly to the Issue Tracker.


Permanently deleted user

may its helpful you make a link to the issue tracker from the menu at the edge of this discussion bord. for e.g. me dont knowo where the issue tracker is found. ok i could use search engine. i will do. (but hint is may helpfull for others or me later)


Hi Sebastian,

1) Your assumption about me is incorrect.

2) I don't know for sure how you got to the Forums page -- I'd guess it would be Developer Community page or maybe PhpStorm product page. All those pages have links to both Forum and Issue/Bug Tracker ... so I was assuming that you know the link (or where to find it) already.  But in any case: Issue Tracker is here .. and in the future I will not be so lazy and will add the link when referring to it.

There is a link to Issue Tracker and the message about it is on the top of the Forum page. It may not be that visible (not like "in your face") ... and usually people do not read/ignore such messages, but anyway:

Announcement: Please file feature requests and bug reports to issue tracker
Permanently deleted user

Bazzik schrieb:

Hi Sebastian,

1) Your assumption about me is incorrect.

2) I don't know for sure how you got to the Forums page -- I'd guess it would be Developer Community page or maybe PhpStorm product page. All those pages have links to both Forum and Issue/Bug Tracker ... so I was assuming that you know the link (or where to find it) already.  But in any case: Issue Tracker is here .. and in the future I will not be so lazy and will add the link when referring to it.

There is a link to Issue Tracker and the message about it is on the top of the Forum page. It may not be that visible (not like "in your face") ... and usually people do not read/ignore such messages, but anyway:

Announcement: Please file feature requests and bug reports to issue tracker

Sure. I told you before, that i will use google for find the limk (see last posting). i takes seconds.

May sugestions (tip) was to set a link from here to the issue tracker. Yes it was obviously not

. The are many reasons thinable. May english or that i am new here or something.

You got from me a impression how me/new/german/... maybe read or maybe needs have.

Please dont talk about what ists usally people. Please tell me that i was blind to see the link - or so. Thats ok. Thats then probably correct.

If you dont want my comments here, then please tell this to me. ok?

And for 1). I dont understand what you mean by

assumption about me is incorrect.

Sorry. About you? I not tried to make assumption about _you_. i dont know you totally. i only know you as a helpfully person from here. from the forum. i said often thank yout. and i will repeat to say thank u if neccessary.


Hi Sebastian,

There is nothing wrong with where you are from or how good your English is -- it's the way how that message/banner is done -- it is automatically treated as some advertisement banner by vast majority of the people (pretty much everyone) and therefore completely ignored/filtered out. Unless that message will be changed to attract more attention, it will be ignored in most cases. I'm used to see that message, and if one day the message will change (e.g. completely new text, but the overall look will remain the same) I will skip it automatically -- because I'm used to it, it's a part of the design, nothing more.

Such a message would be much more efficient if it would be placed on make new thread page instead of Forum home page -- it is much more relevant there and people do pay more attention when filling the forms compared to normal browsing. It's a proven fact and I have seen the big difference when such change is made on other forums (completely different audience though, nothing to do with programming).

If you dont want my comments here, then please tell this to me. ok?

Don't remember saying anything like that.

And for 1)

I cannot implement your suggestion(tip) as I'm simply not related to a JB team in any way :)


Hello Sebastian,

where exactly is that shortcut?

Best regards,
Elena Shaverdova


Thanks to both of you!

Permanently deleted user

:x for both of you :)


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