phpstorm Shortcut Trainer

in Eclipse i used for years a phpstorm Shortcut Trainer.
It works like this:

if i used mouse click. it only shows me the shortcut. all mouse click was ignored.
very good for training.

i search also the posibility to get the hint text faster (200 miliseconds).
please note in every hint shortcut information.         


The goal of the MouseFeed plugin is to make Eclipse users faster.  This approach is complementary to the efforts targeting higher-level  productivity. See the MouseFeed project blog for more information.

Key Promoter

Operating  UI with keyboard is much faster than with a mouse. MouseFeed helps to  form a habit of using keyboard shortcuts. When the user clicks on a  button or on a menu item, the plugin shows a popup reminding about the  key shortcut.
This is how it works - click on the Search toolbar button and you'll see a popup with the keyboard shortcut reminder:

You  can specify a per-action configuration, you can also configure  MouseFeed to completely prevent actions from running unless they are  called by a keyboard shortcut.


Is this a plugin for PhpStorm?  If so, it looks like a very good idea.

Or is it a plugin for Eclipse?  In which case to use it I would need to stop using PhpStorm and go back to Eclipse? (not very likley, Loving PhpStorm.)

Is yours similar to the 'key trainer' plugin for PhpStorm:

Sebastian Lauffer

Key promoter is nearly perfect !! :) Great work!

Please one little think! Only a checkbox in config.

Coud you please unable mouse activities? Becouse i usally to lazy for intrinsive motivation (allways hurry ;) ) and redo my menu-action ;) . You understand?

Means only show the hint. Do no action ==> so i havt to use shortcut. That will be great! Thank (BTW the eclipse plugin does this).

BTW you could do a simple work-around for this with autohotkey:

catch mouseclicks in phpstorm with it. and send escape (this will show you the command result ... dialog window or so... short time and escape).


I've been using it all day and that popup really starts to get annoying if you do use the mouse.

What you could do though if you want it even MORE annoying, is to alter the templates in the settings.  You can add type css.  if you make the popups width as wide as your screen and as high as your screen.  That would be really frustrating.  perhaps almost as much as the disabled mouse clicks. :)

Sebastian Lauffer

thanks michael ! it seems to be you are the right one to help me with best multiple choice vocabulary tool (BTW since years i compare some vok trainer)

would you/anybody help me? it looks terrible but it works great. i could gife you source code.
here is a link.


( i dont have fun to do it alone further more ;) )

edit 12-08-01_15-12

this works. may you have a better:

    <td align="center"><font size=10>{0}</font></td>
    <td align="center"><font size=30>{1} time(s)</font></td>
<img src=""
width='1400' height='700'>


or this:

<img src="">
    <td align="center"><font size=10>{0}</font></td>
    <td align="center"><font size=30>{1} time(s)</font></td>
<img src="">



yes, both of those examples are very annoying.  Im fine with the annoyingness level right now.

Im not sure what you are asking help for/with.  I looked at the site, but don't read the language that it is in, so dont understand what its supposed to do sorry. (I think its german.)

Most of my free time is spent working on something for jamroom. ( )

Sebastian Lauffer

ussher schrieb:

yes, both of those examples are very annoying.  Im fine with the annoyingness level right now.

Im not sure what you are asking help for/with.  I looked at the site, but don't read the language that it is in, so dont understand what its supposed to do sorry. (I think its german.)

Most of my free time is spent working on something for jamroom. ( )

everybody needs (in web or everywhere):

- a) store plain date into brain.
- b) navigate rhrow data
- bla bla bla
- money to life ... or something ... bla bla

a) i am looking over years for train my brain with data.
- must be fast !!! (not typing, only pressing a key). we dont have time!!
- must be inteligente!!!! (it have to generate and choose answer nearly by itself.) we dont want configure al lot!! == noone has time!! ;)
- must be fun!!! ==> motivation is all! by learning thigs.

to programm somthing is not a big thing.

its done. i want gife it open source. i hope it become better and better when its open source. for saving data i always work with copy past (this helps: )
there are many ways to use it, not only for vocabel. you could ask yourself a question.

what i could do:

- upload the source where you want
- translate the german commands into english.

what i want:

- help with making it more pretty (i am not professional in css, grafik, html5 or so).

i would remember: it have to be fast, intelligent und very easy to use (not typing, only one key-press for anser somthing). it have to generat answer nearly be itself.

the link agein:


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