Auto-add SVN files
I'm using suvbersion in phpStorm. Now when I'm adding files not through phpStorm, i always need to add them manually in phpStorm, or they are not commited to the repository.
Now is there a way that phpStorm so you can find all the files in a project (their filename have a red color in the IDE) that aren't yet added an so you can add them
If you use Tortoise SVN on windows and you do a commet, it automaticly detects which files aren't yet added in SVN.
Any way this is possible in phpStorm or will become available in a later version?
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Hi Maarten,
Just open changes view (Alt+9 on Windows, or View -> Tool windows -> Changes) and expand 'Unversioned files' node. You may see a dialog if there's lot of unversioned files. Then select all, right click and choose 'Add to VCS'.
Yes! .. That was what I was looking for!! :-)