Copy / past bug?


I'm a phpStorm 3 user.  Now I don't know if this is a bug, or something that can be changed in the settings, I looked for it, but can't really find it.

The problem is this.  When I copy a certain piece of code in the editor and I move my cursor to the next line, use the tab (they are spaces) to position my cursor under the previous line and I paste that code, the code moves always back a few tabs, pritty frustrating because I always have to add the tabs again.

Is this a bug or can this be solved in the settings?



Hi Maarten,

Settings | Editor | Smart Keys --> Reformat on paste -- try another value there instead of "Indent Block".

(the first ticket is a duplicate of 2nd. The ticket status is "Fixed" .. I'm just unsure in what version of PhpStorm this fix will be present .. as currently PhpStorm is on 111 branch while the ticket is marked as Fixed for 112 branch).


Thanks Andriy!

That fixed it :-) I set it to "none".

Permanently deleted user

Thanks much, this has been driving me nuts for quite a while.



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