sn client version

Which svn client version comes with phpstorm 3.0?
On my console I find svn --version 1.7.1 and can use it.
Bit with phpstorm 3.0 I get the error message when uptdating:
Error updating changes: svn: The path ... appears to be part of a Subversion 1.7 or greaterworking copy. Please upgrade your Cubversion client to use thisworking copy.

1 comment

It's 1.6 or something like that. The 1.7 is a separate plugin which is not ready yet for a production use.

Unfortunately Beta feedback shows its not ready for a prime time. Will be included in update as soon as possible.
We decided that having no Subversion 1.7 support is better than have nonstable support. If you prefer later you can install experimental Subversion 1.7 support plugin from latest EAP at your own risk.

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