What proper directories and/or libraries configuration for Joomla CMS ?


i try to set up a configuration for bulding templates and modules in joomla 1.7, and i can't seem to find a good directories configuration. I have many undefined (as files are not included as standard php includes) in php inspections, and i m wondering what is the proper to manage this with phpstorm. Can someone share his directories setup for proper inspections and debugging ?



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i use phpStorm for Joomla development and my default configuration is this:

- i have Joomla 1.5 and 1.7 on my disk always updated through SVN
- for my projects, i only create the directories i need
- in phpStorm configuration, i add the directories "includes" and "libraries" from the joomla directory (see screenshot)

This is normally OK for me. If you are creating templates based on frameworks like t3, you will have to add this to your project as well.


Bildschirmfoto 2011-11-21 um 09.20.02.png

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