unable to attach test reporter


I am using PhpStorm Version 2.1.2 Build #PS-107.425 with Windows7. My local server is a XAMPP version 1.7.4 and I reinstalled an updated version of PHPUnit 3.5.14.

Now I am trying to run a phpunit example:

require_once 'PHPUnit2/Framework/TestCase.php';

class ArrayTest extends PHPUnit2_Framework_TestCase {

    protected function setUp() {

    protected function tearDown() {

    public function testNewArrayIsEmpty()
        // Create the Array fixture.
        $fixture = array();

        // Assert that the size of the Array fixture is 0.
        $this->assertEquals(0, sizeof($fixture));

    public function testArrayContainsAnElement()
        // Create the Array fixture.
        $fixture = array();

        // Add an element to the Array fixture.
        $fixture[] = 'Element';

        // Assert that the size of the Array fixture is 1.
        $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($fixture));

The test is running and I got the messages in the right window, but in the left there is only one error message 'Unable to attach test reporter to test framework'. There should be a list of the test methods, or not?

1 comment
Permanently deleted user

I solved the problem by myself:
I should have used PHPUnit instead of PHPUnit2.


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