How to disable indexing for cetrain directories?


I have directory with compiled templates, javascripts and css files. It is really big and it is under main project folder.
Is there any way to disable this directory from indexing? Every time when I'm recompiling templates, javascripts etc. I have to wait and my pc getting stuck.

Thank you.


Press ctrl+shift+a (find action), type "registry" and open it.

Find indexer.follows.symlinks property and remove the checkmark against it.

Run File > Invalidate Caches/Restart > Invalidate and Restart and check the issue after that.


Yeah, as commented elsewhere it doesn't work. Or doesn't appear to. Why the indexer can't simply honour the "excluded" tag I'm not sure but I assume there's a good reason. Some indication of where the indexer is grinding to a halt would be nice. This is seriously hindering me and many others.

Permanently deleted user

I solved by moving to a different product SlickEdit it works much better and doesn't crash/freeze while indexing is running in background stuck at 1%.. I have 250GB of data in multiple folders used as assets for the project that are marked as orange (excluded) but somehow they are still indexed and cannot be canceled not stopped.. This exclude from indexng is an useless feature, same issue with last 2019 product version. Best Regards, Davide


Dlistello, it shouldn't be the case if 1) you are not using symlinks in your project 2) if you have not added these folders as PHP Include or JavaScript libraries.
Please share a screenshot of the Project tool window if neither one is your case.


I quit using it too. I just can't fathom as to why they keep ignoring the need to really ignore tagged directories or symlinks. I was symlinking to terabytes of asset data and IJ kept freezing.  How difficult can it be to tell the indexer to ignore "ignored" directories? 


@Richard Riley:

did you try to troubleshoot this with us first? I would strongly recommend getting in touch with us via Help | Contact Support to check your project config.

Permanently deleted user

This problem happen still today with Pycharm version 2019.2.3 Comunity Edition and probably also Ultimate edition.


As you can see is trying to index folders that are excluded and contain about 250GB of logs !
This process can take up to 3 days to completly open and finish refresh background process, during this time the IDE cannot be used at all.
Unless the 2GB assigned to JVM finish and no memory is available in that case, the Pycharm process would crash.

To download the IDEA project please follow this link, I shared .idea zipped root project folder:

Thanks for helping to solve this annoying issue.


Permanently deleted user

Disable/remove symlinks (specially to cifs mounts) otherwise PyCharm ignores the ignored folders. When multiple project windows are open this is much more acute.

Permanently deleted user

In Rider, Folder -> Tools has a "Stop Index" / "Start Index" option, however I found this option is only available after Rider indexed the folder. Rider will index a folder regardless of the  "Exclude" option which is available before indexing. Would really like a fix for this. Also there is no "stop" option on indexing, only "pause" / "continue" is possible.


Very disappointing that JB is closing the discussion thread without resolving this. 


+100, this is stupidly broken. Yet another example (among many) of JetBrains insisting that everything is fine, even when it clearly is not. I've wasted literally days of time trying to get Rider to do the right thing. I exclude a folder, it just adds it back again at a later time. It also keeps indexing excluded folders, as well.

This is insane. It's one of the most basic features imaginable for an IDE. Rider literally will not work for my project, and JetBrains insists nothing is wrong.


This is most likely because Rider adds the folder as a part of some library. Please contact support (Help | Contact Support) for them to describe how to disable this.

That's a PhpStorm community forum thread: I can't advise on C#-specific stuff unfortunately.  


.gitgnore parsing is better than



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