You can also use External Tools (Settings | External Tools -- then such entries can be available in Main Menu -> Tools, different context menus).
Using External Tools functionality you can utilize such tool like YUI Compressor (more detailed about CSS part here) or similar. It is more build/pre-deploy time tool but can be configured (to a some degree) to do some very simple optimisations (instead of more advanced). Use it when deploying your project to production server (so that you have detailed/convenient to use CSS file on your local PC for development purposes and optimized version on production server to reduce time and traffic (as it will be optimized -- no useless whitespace; all file in single line; optimized properties etc))
ctrl+shift+j will take the selected text and turn it into a single line
will become:
.someclass{ width:50px; height:100px; text-alignment:center;}
you could select the entire file and keep hitting ctrl+shift+j to progressively get the entire file down to a single line.
I dont know of a shortcut that will do the entire file in one go.
The opposite is ctrl+shift+l for "reformat code"
Thank you,
Thats a very good start :)
You can also use External Tools (Settings | External Tools -- then such entries can be available in Main Menu -> Tools, different context menus).
Using External Tools functionality you can utilize such tool like YUI Compressor (more detailed about CSS part here) or similar. It is more build/pre-deploy time tool but can be configured (to a some degree) to do some very simple optimisations (instead of more advanced). Use it when deploying your project to production server (so that you have detailed/convenient to use CSS file on your local PC for development purposes and optimized version on production server to reduce time and traffic (as it will be optimized -- no useless whitespace; all file in single line; optimized properties etc))
Thank you Andriy
That's exactly what I need. ;)