Using a personal license on two computers


Sorry for my English.
Forgive me if this question has already been discussed.
I wanted to buy a personal license to PHPStorm and use two computers: at home and at work.
Tell me whether you can license agreement is the use of the software?



I got the same question.

I have one commercial license. Can i use 1 commercial license for two computers? One is my laptop and other is my office desktop.




Personal license means that only ONE person uses it on 1-... computers. So you can use one personal license even on 5 computers if only you will use all copies.


Dmitriy, thanks.
WebIDE excellent IDE. I would buy a license.


Personal license can be used on several computers. The limitation is that you should not be using them simultaneously.

From the agreement (




(a) Licensee may:

(i) install and use the version of the Software specified in License  Certificate on multiple computers and operating systems, provided that  Licensee is the only user of the Software and that the Software is not  used on more than one machine and (or) operating system at a time, and


(b) Licensee may not:


(iii) use the License Key on different computers or operating systems at a time.

Hope it clarifies the questions.

Best regards,


Thanks Eugene.

Now things are clear. :)


Thanks, Eugene!
Another little question.
Are there plans to introduce payment by electronic money (for example, WebMoney)?


Hi I also have question regrding license.

my company baught commercial license. nobody else use PhpStorm in company other than me and sometime i need to work from home. i work on my persomnal computer. can i use commercial license at my home pc?
i m very confused regarding this.



forgive me for hijacking this post.
Are licenses limited to one platform/
I'd primarily use the mac version, but it'd be nice to know if I could also use the windows version if needed.

- Jack


From the agreement (



(a) Licensee may:

(i) install and use the version of the Software specified in License  Certificate on multiple computers and operating systems, ...


Hi Denis,

Sorry, have no information about this. You may want to contact our sales team if you have questions about payment. Please write at



Hi Eugene,
Thanks for reply. I'll try to write.

The question can be solved.


Hey Eugene,

I wanna buy personal license. I'm freelancer, working at home and i have a desktop and a laptop. There are situations when i run several projects from desktop and laptop  at the same time. According to the agreement license disallows that? What will happen to my license? IDE won't launch with warning that i have another instance launched or it will cancel my license and i'll lose it?



Personal license can be used on several computers. The limitation is that you should not be using them simultaneously.
If you'll try it IDE will not launch with warning.


Hi, I usually run both my lap and the pc together (PC with Linux the main workstation and Lap with Windows as a second screen). I need to know what will happen if I open Webstorm in both of them at the same time? Will it black list my license or show a warning and prevent me from using one? If it is a warning preventing me from using the editor in one machine, there won't be an issue.


This would be a warning preventing from using one of the copies.


@Dmitry Great thanks!


Sorry to resurrect an old thread but I'm trying to understand the exact behavior to expect here. I WFH primarily but also develop on my laptop if I have to go into the office. In this day and age computers are rarely turned "off" and it's very likely I'd leave home with it still running on my home PC. Would I get to the office and be told I can't use it?

This is also a bit frustrating because this limitation isn't explicitly stated anywhere during the purchasing processing.


Basically, the licensing rules now look more relaxed. 

For personal licenses:
Yes. Under our current subscription model, you may run multiple personal licensed copies of the IDE at the same time across multiple operating systems (like on laptop and desktop for remote debugging client/server apps).

For commercial:
The same is true for the commercial subscriptions with the additional requirement: your operating system username (login) must be the same on all the systems where you use the IDE.


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