Language Injection - What is the status of this?

Since it helped my other issue to post in the forum, I thought I would try this one. It seems that Language Injection is falling by the wayside. In the last couple of versions, I have no seen any Language Injection happening automatically, and now it won't save if I manually do it (


.."In the last couple of versions, I have no seen any Language Injection happening automatically"
Please file issues with details (both shots and textual code fragments) on cases where you expect the injection to be done automatically.

Manual injections are NOT supposed to be persistent.


Seriously???? Then what are manual injections for?


There multiple usages. I.e. to check syntax perform fragment editing.

Settings|Language injection control most automatic == permanent injection rules. You can create own rules for XML and Java quite easilly, the PHP rules are not quite "user serviceable" yet.


What do you mean not user serviceable yet?


What does this mean?

+ phpLiteralExpression("CSS")


And the manual injection really isn't that useful. I mean, I don't use it that way. I am error checking for 4 developers, and I can't very well turn it on every time I want to check. The rules for automatic are too limited and I am having trouble figuring out how to modify them.

One thing that would make the Injection slightly more useful is to be able to inject with a keyboard shortcut.


Alt+Enter is the shortcut to open contextual intentions and quickfixes list. Try on string literal.


I'm not following. How does that help?     


A non-user-serviceable presentation of Program Stucture Interface Pattern.

I'm sorry but I can't provide any further instructions on how to use them *now*.

While you can consult JetBrains IDEA CE open source project to get insight on what is PSI pattern and how they work - that will be very time consuming and not efficient. Also the PHP patterns source is closed. Anyway, these are the "internals" and we plan to significantly change and enhance PHP specific parts. Only after that user friendly patter editors may be created and documentation on patterns will be provided.


One thing that would make the Injection slightly more useful is to be able to inject with a keyboard shortcut.

Press Alt-Enter to see Inject Language action.


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