Feature Request: PhpStorm
Hi all,
I appreciate this request is probably too late to make it into v2.0 of PhpStorm now, but it's something that's been bugging me for a while that affects my workflow so I thought I'd put it out there anyway.
My company's workflow, whether for new development or for resolving tickets, is that we branch off from the relevant version of our SVN repository (we currently have a number of systems live, each running slightly different versions of the code). We then make the necessary changes, commit back to the branch, and then send either an email or leave a note in our ticketing system with the branch URL, for our development manager to merge back into the parent branch.
Currently, PhpStorm makes this last step more difficult than it needs to be, and the only reason is this: I cannot copy and paste the URL from the "Changes" window under "Subversion Working Copies information". If I could do this, I wouldn't then have to open my development folder, find the checked out files, then copy and paste the URL from my TortoiseSVN window, which is what I currently have to do.
If this (hopefully easy) change could be made, you'd save me at least half an hour a day (we go through a lot of checkouts!).
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We appreciate your suggestion, can you please file a feature request to project tracker?.. http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issues/WI
Currently you can but in really counter-intuitive way:
Did this work automatically for you, or did you have to configure it yourself?
On my system, the branch locations box is completely blank. But that could be because we have a rather strange layout for our repository, with multiple major versions of our product at the top level, and below that, folders for "clienttest" - stuff that is being tested for clients, "development" - which contains our working branches, "tags" - which contains branches which are deployed on live customer systems, and occasionally "trunk" for everything else.
I wouldn't expect PhpStorm to pick this up automatically!
Reported as WI-3638. http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-3638