FTP doesn't list/transfer files; Copy option?; SVN version?
I set up a Remote Host successfully (in that WebIDE says it is successful and autodetects htdocs root), but no file listing appears in the Remote Host pane, and when I try to download or upload the File Transfer pane says "No files or folders found to transfer".
The host is Novell Netware. (S)FTP works fine on a Linux remote host.
Is there a debugging option or log file I can look at.
We map drives to our webserver filesystems. Is there any way within WebIDE to copy files to the mapped drive instead of uploading through FTP? The ideal situation for us would be this:
- Edit file
- Hit key combo which performs user defined actions such as syntax check, formatting, send email, make a sandwich, copy to mapped drive, opens page in browser
Because the rest of the team uses Dreamweaver, we are forced to use Subversion client 1.4. What client version does WebIDE use? Is there a way to specify a different SVN client or version in WebIDE?
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There will be separate response regarding FTP. As for SVN - All IntellJ platform based products do not use external client and support SVN natively (Up to version 1.6)
Thanks. For #2 I just wrote an external tool to do what I want.
Looks like p. 2 is here http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-575
Hello David,
How does Remote Host view look? Does it display an error message or shows root node?
You need to setup mappings between your local and remote folders. Web IDE will use these mappings when uploading/downloading the files (and opening server pages in browser). Please open Settings dialog and go to Remote Deployment screen.
the Remote Host view is empty. there is no error message. see screenshot. other ftp clients work fine (see below for manual connection transcript). perhaps it is an older ftp server type that webide cannot recognize. I have set up the mappings. I think webide just isn't getting the directory listing because now when i try to upload it tries to create folders on the web server which already exist.
maybe this will help?
Hello David,
Please take the FTP logs:
1. open <WEBIDE_HOME>/bin/log.xml with a text editor
2. scroll to the bottom, add the following lines before <root> tag:
3. restart Web IDE
5. Open Remote Host view
By default the log is at ~/.WebIde10/system/log/idea.log on Windows and Linux and at ~/Library/Caches/WebIde10/log/idea.log on Mac.
I have the similar problem to connect to FTP server and list the file contents.
Here is DEBUG information from log file:
2010-07-03 13:57:06,396 [ 33171] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - 220-*****************************************************
220-Welcome to FTP
220-Please use your email address and password to login.
220-If you are registered for more than one site then your login name must be: yourcompany.com/you@youremail.com.
220 FTP Server Ready
2010-07-03 13:57:06,399 [ 33174] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - > USER yourcompany.com/you@youremail.com
2010-07-03 13:57:06,422 [ 33197] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - 331 User yourcompany.com/you@youremail.com logged in, needs password
2010-07-03 13:57:06,422 [ 33197] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - > PASS ******
2010-07-03 13:57:07,541 [ 34316] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - 230 Password ok, FTP server ready
2010-07-03 13:57:07,542 [ 34317] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - > TYPE I
2010-07-03 13:57:07,565 [ 34340] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - 200 Binary transfer mode active.
2010-07-03 13:57:07,581 [ 34356] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - > SYST
2010-07-03 13:57:07,604 [ 34379] DEBUG - ains.plugins.webDeployment.ftp - 550 Unknown command
2010-07-03 13:57:07,612 [ 34387] WARN - loyment.ui.WebServerConfigForm - Could not list the contents of folder "ftp://yourcompany.com/".
org.apache.commons.vfs.FileSystemException: Could not list the contents of folder "ftp://yourcompany.com/".
I'm connecting with other FTP clients like FIleZilla and CuteFTP and have no problem list / upload files.
Is there a way to edit FTP commands which are used to list files on FTP server or is there any other ideas how could I fix this error and connect to th FTP server?
Thanks in advance,
Hello Rento,
thanks for logs,
You server seems to have SYST command disallowed (probably for security) - you can confirm this by checking that
message is in your log file right after the part you've put here.
Currently PhpStorm issues SYST command when connecting to figure out the OS that server is running, and parse the result of LIST command accordingly (different OSs may give results in slightly different way).
This is likely we need to fix, i.e. expecting some default LIST results format. I've opened an issue for that: http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-2475, please watch/vote to be notified when it's fixed. The only current workaround I see is to allow SYST command on your FTP server.
I'm having the same problem with FTP, the remote host panel is empty, but that seems caused by a timeout problem.
what's strange is that another FTP client (Filezilla) works just fine:
Alessandro Curci
Hello Alessandro,
Can you try connecting with 'Passive mode' option enabled at File | Settings | Deployment | (your FTP server) | Advanced options... dialog?
Thanks Kirill,
passive mode did the trick, and found that Filezilla uses passive too as it can't retrive directory listing when forced to active.
Best regards
Shouldn't PhpStorm catch this issue and resolve it in the same way as Filezilla does?
Hello Dmitriy,
Well, the reason (firewall blocking data connection) is hard to detect with certainty, so usually FTP client applications let user choose connection mode.
But Alessandro said that Filezilla can catch this problem...
I haven't said it can catch the problem, but just that it doesn't woork too when forced to active.
FIlezilla worked "out of the box" because the default setting that new connections inherit from the general settings is passive (marked as recomended too).
Alessandro Curci
Ahh, Kirill, sorry, i'm wrong in this case.