Uploading/Synching to Two Servers


I am using 95.98 and am very pleased with it.

However I wish to sync a project with both the (local) development server and the (remote) deployment server.

Is it possible to set a project up so syncing can occur with 2 servers?

Ideally I'd like to be able to use a toolbar icon to "switch" the servers on/off. This would allow quick changes to test on the local development and then "switch" on the 2nd server sync and upload the build changes to the deployment server.

At the moment I am uploading to the development server and rsync'ing between the two (local/remote) servers but obviously I'd prefer a more elegant solution.

At a basic level allowing the IDE to switch between (upload) servers easily would be ideal.

Many thanks for what is an absolute first class IDE.

Ed Austin


Privet Ed

Thanks for your feedback,

You can  add multiple servers (File | Settings | Deployment) and configure  mappings for each one, and choose one of them as default.

Automatic upload (upload changes files on save) and 'Upload to Default Server' action will upload files to the default server, while 'Upload to...' action will allow you to choose the server every time.

Does it meet your needs?

One-click upload to the multiple servers is currently not supported, please watch, vote and comment on http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-909.




I am looking to do the same thing.  I've set it up to sucessfully sync my changes to the remote server, however, others changes that occur on the remote server do not get pulled down to my local machine.  I have tried manually pressing the synchronization button but it doesn't appear to have any affect.

In addition our svn occurs on the remote server rather than our local machines.  Therefore, I am unable to get svn working within this project type.  Any ideas?


"Remote" (i.e. no local repo and client) SVN is not supported and not planned.


Hello Chris,

You're likely talking about http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-1284.

I have tried manually pressing the synchronization button but it doesn't appear to have any affect.

If you're about the yellow button at the right from 'Save' one in main application toolbar, it's not about remote sync at all. It is provided by the IDEA platform and forces refresh of local project files. Sorry for confusion.



Okay fair enough.  So how do I go about making sure my project picks up the changes made on the remote server?


Ouch.  That's going to be a big road block for us.  I'm a huge Resharper fan and I was hoping that my review of phpStorm would come out with flying colors so I could attempt to get it integrated within our environment.


Currently there is no way to do that, sorry.

Please vote for issue http://youtrack.jetbrains.net/issue/WI-1284 or submit a new one if your request is different. We're monitoring users feedback and implement features accordingly.

Meanwhile, you may use 'Compare file with remote version' action at Project view and Remote Host view, but it works for a single file only.



So how do you perform your "remote commit" now? via SSH?


this is very cool.


Is it not possible to upload to ALL remotes with just normal save button? I want them ALL to be my default.


cool. How does one get notified when it does get added to upgrade etc?


You can watch the issue if you're logged on, the star icon near the summary.


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