PHPUnit split() is deprecated
I am not 100% sure if it's Web IDE bug, but I couldn't find any split() usage from PHPUnit files.
Seems that Web IDE generates file:
~/temp/phpunit_PROJECT_NAME_USERNAME.php which contains split(), however split is deprecated in PHP 5.3.0 and explode() should be used instead (from the looks it didn't seem to need regex, else preg_split() could be used)
PS! Please make a setting to user settings in this forum or fix/change the wysiwyg editor, as it doesn't work with Opera.
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What about split in phpunit_PROJECT_NAME_USERNAME.php - thanks, we've replaced it with explode =) (This script actually runs tests)
Consider "couldn't find any split() usage from PHPUnit files" - I didn't quite understand, from other places they can be found?
I just meant that I wasn't sure if it was a bug of Web IDE or PHPUnit itself. It was a bug of Web IDE indeed, and you said it's fixed now.
Thank you,
hope I cleared up the confusion.