ESLint shows errors even for rules that are configured to 'warn'.
It seems like the ESLint integration always shows rule violations as errors, even though they are set to warn in .eslintrc. It is definitely finding the configuration because if I change it to be invalid then the IDE complains that ESLint failed to run.
FWIW I am actually using this in Intellij IDEA.
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Hmm... Works fine for me - Idea uses severities set in .eslintrc for highlighting: severity 1 is treated as warning, 2 - as error...
What Idea version do you use? Do you have any custom severities specified in Settings/Editor/Inspections/javaScript/Code Quality Tools/ESLint?
2016.1. It doesn't work if you Analyze -> Run Inspection by Name, everything is shown as errors in the Inspection Results tool window.
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