Typesafe Config Library unusable in Intellij Scala worksheet
I have the following version
IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.1
Build #IC-162.1447.26, built on August 2, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_66-b17 amd64
JVM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM by Oracle Corporation
Which is the newest as of this moment.
I am trying to access some settings I did in another module in scala worksheet.
The code that causes the error is the following:
import what.ever.ApplicationSetting
The above code does not cause any error when executed from a scala console.
The rest of the code is https://gitlab.com/vascoosx/restester/tree/master
Please help.
Thank you.
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Something is horribly broken in terms of how the worksheets are resolving their class paths. Even trying to use Akka in a spreadsheet fails because it can't load the resource.conf from the akka JARs.