Abilities to create custom actions

It will be cool if we have the possibility to extend the right menu action in the Database browser with personal actions.

In an action, we could mix SQL queries and special keywords which will be converted at execution time. For example, right click on a object in the Database browser, say a table, then we can create a personal action where we can write:

SELECT * FROM %current_schema%.%current_table%.

The possibilities to exploit the database will be endless with that.

Some special keywords:

  • current database
  • current schema
  • current table
  • current view
  • current object
  • current OID
  • current field
  • current user
  • ...

Hello Lionel,

Note that you already can select from the table in Database browser: just double click the table to open Table Editor with table result data.

What other actions do you want to be available from the context menu?

Note also that there are live templates (and you can create your on templates) you can use in SQL Console for quick select/insert/update and other useful sql statements.



With custom actions, we could for example create quick reports or create queries for finding objects dependencies (;-o) directly in the database browser with the object name directly replaced by the custom keyword.


>With custom actions, we could for example create quick reports 

With Live templates you can also create queries, based on templated snippets and substitute tables/columns where needed. 

>or create queries for finding objects dependencies (;-o) directly in the database browser with the object name directly replaced by the custom keyword.

This seems like a request for UI query builder. Somehow related is https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/DBE-268 .

Anyway, feel free to file a request in YouTrack, describing these cases. Thank you for feedback.


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