Pasting into the terminal in Phpstorm works some of the time.
Windows 7x64
Phpstorm 145.258
Pasting into the terminal sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I have had this problem with previous versions of Phpstorm and Webstorm. If I copy a piece of text then try to paste it into the console either by right clicking and choosing paste or Ctrl-V it seems to work until I try to copy and past code in the editor then the terminal paste stops working. It is very frustrating. I have doubled checked that it is not a problem with my OS just by pasting the copied text into notepad. Also this happens on any computer or reinstall that I have done.
I am using the default terminal cmd.exe. I saw a post referring to a similar problem but with windows 10 and this problem has been around for a long time with windows 7.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Is it possible that there's actually a line break in the pasted line? Could you please check that by pasting in Editor or somewhere?
Also try disabling Settings | Tools | Terminal | Copy on selection, as it may (unexpectedly) copy the line break.
@Eugene can this functionality be disabled by default (Copy on selection)? This "bug/feature" has haunted me for over a year now. I'm glad it is over.
I went ahead and pushed it to our tracker:
There is no reason it should be enabled by default, none of the default terminal applications behaves like that on any OS.
@Eugene it happens time to time, but the actions are very simple:
I have to repeat point 2 and 3 multiple times to get expected text pasted in the terminal.
Disabling Copy on selection fixes it.
I would recommend making this feature opt-in in your products or fixing the issue. This has lead to a lot of copy/paste confusion/frustration for me in PyCharm, RubyMine, Webstorm. It happens when you copy/paste from an outside application. If you don't click exactly on the cursor before you paste it will copy in a new line.
Solution: If you have `Paste Without Formatting` set on your `command + v` on Mac or `ctrl + v` on Windows. it will block the ability to paste in the terminal. Solution is to change or remove the the `Paste Without Formatting` keyboard assignment.
OMG, I just came across this thread. I thought forever that terminal in all JetBrains IDEs were broken. Disabled copy on selection and boom! all working. So annoying when you get fail2ban because you think you have copied a password but simply clicking on the terminal has removed your copied password and replaced it with a blank line.
To the guys at JetBrains!!!! its now 2020 and quite obvious that this "copy on selection" option defaulted to true is utter dog shite! Get rid of it or default it to false, please for the love of god! I've actually considered moving away from JB IDE's based purely on this issue alone. (happy that I have found the fix though)
Is it happening only with Terminal?
Could you please try a fix supplied in this thread: - it's attached to a message by Denis Fokin 25 Mar 2016, 15:22
Thank you that seems to be the same problem, I have applied the patch and will let you know if I have any further problems.
Problem still exists after updating files.
I experience the issue consistently on Mac OS and it freaks me out that my super IDE is not able to copy/paste few words.
Please record a screencast showing your exact actions and the result, maybe it'll shed some light.
This issue seems to be not addressed for some environments yet:
1) what shell path do you have specified in Preferences | Tools | Terminal?
2) what keyboard layout are you using (ABC/En/etc...)?
@Dmitry Yes, this issue looks exactly the same as mine.
I'm using zsh and ABC keyboard layout on MacOS.
Please check how would it work with /bin/bash as a shell path
On macOS I also have trouble pasting into the terminal. Apon pasting in the terminal no text will be inserted but it does seem to place an enter. I then have to click in the terminal so the cursor will be blinking, then I press cmd+c in the terminal. After that I copy the string again and I can paste it in the terminal.
@A Belmokadem
You can disable this for all new projects via File > Default Settings or File > Settings for New Projects in 2018.2 EAP.
@Jessewolff OMG, thanks for finding the fix!
Thank you!!! I was going crazy!!
Thanks. I would suggest disabling that option by default or removing it at all :))
this feature is absolutely cancer. Please fix this.
Amazing news!! So happy it’s being looked at :-)
Please describe exactly what problem you're having. Things were fixed/changed since the original report from 2016.