Plugin to Enhance Swift Support
I have begun writing a plugin to add to the Swift support in appCode. I picked a few features just for the sake of proving out that the plugin was possible, and I will show them. But I would like the community to make requests for things to implement. There are so many things that can be done, so I'd like to get a read on what people would find useful.
As it stands right now. I have only a few features.
- Additional syntax highlighting for optionals and optional operators
- Variable Read/Write highlighting
- Remove unneeded parenthesis from if statement intention
- Convert closure parameter to trailing closure syntax intention.
- Unneeded return in closure inspection (with QuickFix)
Anyone wishing to contribute can do so on my GitHub repo:
Heres a screenshot of the convert to trailing syntax intention.
Here is an example of optional highlighting: (Bold + Italic = Implicitly Unwrapped Optional, Underlined = Optional)
You can see right now there is a bug in how appCode resolves as! casts.
Here's the unneeded return inspection:
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What do you think. Should the intentions be inspections instead?
Hi Jon,
This looks very nice. I definitely like the optional/optional operator highlighting, as well as the trailing closure intention. I think I'd change the if-statement parenthesis removal to an inspection, but that's a very minor point.
What other features are you thinking about?
One feature I would really like to tackle is to perform the following refactoring
class Foo: Bar, Protocol1 {
I would like to allow you to take Protocol1 and make it a class extension:
class Foo : Bar {
extension Foo:Protocol1 {
That seems like a pretty challenging one, so I have been sticking with just getting some small features in first. Low hanging fruit so to speak.
I am just starting simple to get my feet wet, and understand better how to use the Swift Psi model.
I agree, the if-statement parenthesis should probably be an inspection, I'll probably change it.