Missing Spring dependency graph model legend
As you see here there is quite a bunch of Spring dependency relations but there is no legend what the different arrows mean. I mean you can guess but guessing is not the ultimate solution here… I guess. Is there a legend somewhere?
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I'm afraid, it's not documented. Responsible developer was contacted to provide more details as well as the document writers to fill this gap for the future help updates.
Hello Alexander,
Solid lines are used for component scans and Enable annotations dependencies, dashed lines for import dependencies and dotted lines for other. Green is used for imports, blue for component scans and orange for Enable annotations. Red is used for "errors". If some config is included several times then all it's inclusions except for one are considered erros.
Ivan Chirkov
Software Developer
Also you can select any edge and press F4 which should take you to this dependency declaration.
Ivan Chirkov
Software Developer
Thanks Ivan!
As you can see on the screenshot below, there are also solid yellow arrows. What are they for? Would be great to have this information documented alongside IntelliJ :)
Those are the ones I called "orange". It means that ApplicationConfig is annotated with EnableNeo4jRepositories. Documentation is definitely coming and I will inform you when it is available. Feel free to ask any further questions - I'll be happy to answer them!
The legend is now available in help: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/2016.2/working-with-spring-dependencies.html.