How to build a translate plugin by IntelliJ IDEA Searching Everywhere function
I want to build a translate plugin by IntelliJ IDEA Searching Everywhere function, but i not find any knowledge to extend Searching Everywhere.
some one know ? tell me ,thank you
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I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to achieve. Do you want to show an automatic translatic of entered search term in "Search Anywhere" result list as new entry?
Is there some documentation about how to bind a custom language integration into the "search everywhere". I guess I'd need to create some symbol provider to declare what is a symbol. Similar to for java.
I want to show an automatic translatic of entered search term in "Search Anywhere" result list as new entry.
I find out the "Search Anywhere" Is already a plugin,so how to achieve this?
I don't think that a translate function should be part of "search everywhere", because tHe user won't expect it there. I'd rather go for an independent popup which could be triggered with a specific shortcut.
yes,maybe can add a option,switch it.
The pecific shortcut I have achieved. i just think maybe can convenient ..