Strange Kotlin autoformatting


I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2024.1.6 (Ultimate Edition). For Kotlin code style, I chose to use drafults from Kotlin Coding Conventions.

I start with this code:

fun rollThreeUnfairDice(minValue: Int, maxValue: Int): Int {
    return rollUnfairDie(minValue, maxValue) + rollUnfairDie(minValue, maxValue) + rollUnfairDie(minValue, maxValue)

When I do Code > Reformat Code, I get:

fun rollThreeUnfairDice(minValue: Int, maxValue: Int): Int {
    return rollUnfairDie(minValue, maxValue) + rollUnfairDie(
    ) + rollUnfairDie(minValue, maxValue)

If I reformat again (removing custom line breaks), I get:

fun rollThreeUnfairDice(minValue: Int, maxValue: Int): Int {
    return rollUnfairDie(minValue, maxValue) + rollUnfairDie(
        minValue, maxValue
    ) + rollUnfairDie(minValue, maxValue)

Is this working as intended? I expected the three calls to be formatted the same way.

1 comment

Thank you! I failed to reproduce the problem. Can you attach your code style scheme - `Settings | Editor | Code Style | Kotlin | ⚙ | Export`?


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