2016.2 Can't rename a project

I just got updated to PHP Storm 2016.2 and the updating messed all my projects name. I've tried to rename one by one but it not work.

What is happening?


Thanks Andriy.

- Also, in the welcome screen, when I hit "Create New Project" and then try to browser my folders using "..." button, it doesn't work!

- In addition, if you create a folder to organise your projects, the projects that are under the folder has the close icon "X" hidden, half at least. 


>Also, in the welcome screen, when I hit "Create New Project" and then try to browser my folders using "..." button, it doesn't work!

That screen (the next step) shows different kinds of possible projects/templates -- which one in particular does not work?

I've checked it on my Windows 7; all project types .. and all "..." buttons that I've tried worked for me (your OS/environment may be different).

>In addition, if you create a folder to organise your projects, the projects that are under the folder has the close icon "X" hidden, half at least. 

You can still use "Del" or "Backspace" button on keyboard or right click menu.

Although on my Windows 7 it displays just fine (different OS different problems, I guess)


If anything -- feel free to submit tickets (one issue per ticket please) to the Issue Tracker (and provide your idea.log there)


Sorry for that! I just open a new topic about the icon issue.


Hope it helps to fix.


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