How to highlight javascript inside <script> tag in html file in pycharm?


Hi, I'm using PyCharm professional edition and trying to embed javascript code in html file. However the js code cannot be highlighted as if it's plain text. The code below is modified( and the original one has the same problem) from the d3js example code. I've searched for a lot of time but no body else meet the same problem except some Atom users finding the similar non-reproducible problem in Atom.

Besides, using PyCharm not WebStorm for the web page is because I'm learning web development with Flask and I want to avoid switching between different editors.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Running into the same issue. I understand PE only have the highlights? Is that correct?

Permanently deleted user

Problem solved. Sorry don't know how to delete this post.

I got both community edition and professional edition installed and I've been using the community edition without realizing it for a whole day searching for solution to the non-exist problem.



This is correct, web development is supported only in PyCharm Professional.


im using the professional edition right now and it doesnt have that particular highlighting either, at least not by default


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