Feature "save for later"
Greetings Community
I'm looking for a feature but I don't know how to call it, or if it's already implemented in PHPStorm; here it is:
I'm debugging something and in the debug (variables) window, I can see an array/object structure. I'd like to "save it for later", so I can later adapt my code to this structure. Of course I could leave this window open, but as soon as I stop the debugger, the data is gone.
I know it's not a "best practice" but it can make life easier when working with libraries.
So is there something like that in PHPStorm?
Thanks in advance
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Hi there,
Do you mean something like "Copy Value As" -- https://www.jetbrains.com/help/phpstorm/2016.2/debug-tool-window-variables.html?search=debugger#d719866e106
Obviously, this existing feature does not allow you to see the structure there in debug window (or similar IDE window) .. but you still can see the dumped structure...
Other than that -- feel free to submit Feature Request ticket to the Issue Tracker
Thanks for your answer.
"copy" moves to a very volatile clipboard, I'd like something more permanent.
Looking into the tracker I found these, which seems to relate: