How to handle mp3 files?
It happens often that I have to insert some audio files (most of the time mp3) in a project and I copy them from a folder of the Mac and paste them in the directory tree of Phpstorm. The last time I did this, Phpstorm tried to automatically show the file in an editor panel, showing an error that it was using a wrong encoding. Besides this, Phpstorm kind of crashed. And I couldn't even close the panel with the mp3 file. I had to force quit phpstorm, but when I opened it again it opened the same session with the same panels, so it stuck again. In the end I solved by deleting the file "workspace.xml" in the .idea folder of the project.
Is there any way to keep Phpstorm from opening these files?
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Hi there,
Do you mean that PhpStorm tries to open .mp3 file in the editor tab just as it would do with php/css/html ?
If so -- please check you settings at "Settings/Preferences | Editor | File Types" -- see what file type that file (that extension rather) is associated with and maybe remove such association -- most likely you have associated it with Text files (a wild guess, but seems quite possible). As potential alternative -- re-assign it to the "Files Opened In Associated Applications" type.
I meant exactly that and the problem was that *.mp3 was treated as a text file under File Types, as you said. Probably I did it by mistake without even realizing.
The whole thing has been a bit frustrating because at first it wasn't obvious what the problem was. I couldn't really see the file name, so it took me a while to figure out what was going on. Also, in the File Types menu apparently there's no way to search by extension, so I had to go through all the list of file types.
But now I fixed it, thanks!