how to set protobuf filedName and coment as variables in live template?

I have a protobuf file as follow:

``` test.proto

syntax = "proto3";

package api.test.test;

option go_package = ";test";


message Test {

string code = 1; // stock_code @gotags: gorm:"type:bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'stock_code';"

string company_name = 2 [json_name = "company_name"];

string filed_name = 3 ; // comment @gotags: gorm:"type:bigint NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT 'comment';"



What I want to do is get `filed_name` and `comment` in line 10 in the test.proto file as live template variables as follow, what should I do?

  • 打开设置: File -> Settings -> Editor -> Live Templates -> proto 
  • add json template 



[json_name =  "$FIELD_NAME$"]  $commnet$


  • click button “Edit Variables…"

    what's the Expression for variable's Name   "FIELD_NAME" and "comment"



picture is always uploading failed



Jyf0231 Hi there! Thank you for your question. You can upload the file using this link - . Please share the upload ID here so that our team could check it. Also, having a file you're trying to make a template of might also be helpful.

Thank you!


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