Error with Vagrant Instance Folder -> Can't Get Vagrant Settings: com.intellij.execution.process.ProcessNotCreatedException
I can successfully setup a project interpreter using SSH, but get the following error when trying to setup a remote interpreter using the vagrant option. Trying to get this setup to take advantage of debugging functionality.
Full error:
The directory is correct and permissions are r/w for my profile.
Any ideas on how I can get this to work? Thanks.
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Hi Eric,
Your problem could be probably related with this issue: But it has been fixed in PyCharm 2016.1. What PyCharm version do you use?
Hello Alexander,
Thanks for responding. I'm currently on the latest version of PyCharm, so perhaps it is something else?
PyCharm 2016.2.1
Build #PY-162.1628.8, built on August 3, 2016
JRE: 1.8.0_76-release-b216 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Additional system info:
Running PyCharm on Mac OS X El Capitan Version 10.11.6
Running Vagrant on Oracle Virtual Box Version 5.0.14 r105127
Vagrant instance: debian-jessie GNU/Linux 64-bit Version 8.5
I have this problem 3 years later. Was there ever a solution?
The issue could be reproduced only with certain configurations of IDE and Vagrant installation procedures. Usually it happens when `vagrant` executable is not in `PATH`. However the reason might be some other.
To investigate your problem could you please create an issue in our issue tracker with details on your system (OS, Vagrant version and the way of its installation), IDE logs (which could be obtained with Help > Compress Logs and Show in ... menu item in IDE) and the screenshot of the error.
Is there a fix to it ? I am getting exactly the same error as of 9-feb-2022
I already have vagrant installed and its on my system PATH variable, ideas how can I get it working ?
PyCharm 2021.3.1 (Professional Edition) on fedora linux
Build #PY-213.6461.77, built on December 28, 2021