"New" UI lost toolbars and settings
Have been using IntelliJ and other Jetbrains products for 9 years. Just updated to 2024.2.0.1 Ultimate Edition and am infuriated! WHY do you FORCE people to use your latest bells and whistles while destroying toolbars and settings??
I could not care less about trendy B.S. or some fool's notion about “how it should be done”. For what we pay for it DO NOT assume you know better than the user who is trying to get real work done! It is overbearing and arrogant.
I've WASTED a lot of time and frustration getting things back to being usable. That is unacceptable! Now having to go through this with the other IDEs is a waste of even more time.
Further making it impossible to put tool window icons in the lower corners and have them on the sides, leaving a wide space at the bottom of ALL files opened in a secondary window - it's either buggy or poor design. And the toolbar editor is PITA.
It seems some of these changes are to be like Microsoft. I run Linux yet am forcibly switched to their B.S.? Don't not use the classic techie trope “they'll get used to it”. Invalid - been there, fought that. Again arrogant.
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Hope the following may help:
1. Right-click Toolbar, and enable "Show Main Menu in Separate Toolbar".
2. Install 'Classic UI' plugin to switch back.
Totally agree with the sentiment of Todd Hill. Just stop already. Agile has killed the industry forcing new code and new UI on users that don't want it only because new designers are trying to earn their wings. Change is not always good, especially when people trying to be productive suddenly can't find anything that they are used to being productive with. It really is infuriating.
Now, when using the “Class UI” plugin, I cannot customize toolbars anymore. Thank you to the team that made things worse for me.
Hi Jim,
Please specify what exactly happens when you try to customize toolbars. Do you refer to drag-and-drop not working, or settings reset after IDE restart, or etc? We will appreciate a screencast.
For me the New UI wiped-out my toolbar and UI layout. It was a major WTF??? Spent a good bit of time recreating and rearranging. That was the infuriating part when I was in the middle of working.
Guess at some level it's my fault for not reading about what the update would do and just applying it - like always. Unexpected and dramatic changes - with no automated migration of existing settings, etc. - is a problem.
Also, I use several JetBrains IDEs as needed in my work. Still have to deal with some of the others. Have not wanted to try the “Classic UI” knowing it will go away at some point. That is the way of things is it not?
Sorry, can't provide screenshots because I've already made the many changes. And apologies for my rage. JetBrains is an excellent company. I've used your products for many years. But like all tech companies (and ones I've worked for) you piss me off occasionally.
The radical changes that literally nobody asked for are unacceptable. Bugs are not fixed for years, already functioning plugins and features are buchedred and never returned (yeah, i'l looking at the “taken over” requirements.txt plugin).
For me JetBrains lost its touch in the past few years and can no longer be considered a professional company that makes professional tools, just adding whistles and bells everywhere along breaking good stuff that real professionals have made.
IDE was supposed to make me more productive, instead it cripples me every damn time when a new whistling update is rolled out.
I have to agree that radically changing the UI of such a software is a horrible, horrible idea. I am under a lot of pressure to finish some stuff right now and my productivity is taking a nose dive. There was nothing wrong with the old ui, all users are very much used to it. This is a powerful tool that people invest a lot of time & money into knowing. Just changing it for no reason is breathtakingly ignorant move. You are working on Fleet anyway - would not that be the place to move fast & break things & try new stuff? At the very least ASK if users want the new UI or the old.
I just upgraded to WebStorm 2024.2.4. This also pissed me off! We cannot work without the buttons on the tool bar to navigate back and forth in our code. I have spent hours trying to figure out how to restore those – in vain! And I am under pressure to deliver some work by tomorrow. I agree with folks that this is not acceptable to paying customers. At least, you should provide an easy way for users to choose. Right now, WebStorm is useless to me as I cannot really program without the toolbar buttons.
How to add back/forward and other missing buttons to IntelliJ IDE main toolbar
I think that JetBrains should focus more on fixing bugs than UI/UX changes. UI/UX is a subjective, relative thing, but bugs are not. As a workaround, I am now using the Classic UI to get the toolbar buttons back (I know there may be keyboard binding for those buttons, but I cannot remember all the shortcuts as we have to use so many different tools to do our job nowadays). It is frustrating that I had to waste a few hours finding this thread. I have been using JetBrains products for a decade, switching from Eclipse. It is an inexcusable mistake that even an experienced developer and an old customer cannot figure out how to restore the toolbar buttons.
Right-click → customize toolbar → add action below → search for action → OK → Apply → OK
Nothing happens. Nothing added to toolbar.
Love the new UI. Please keep regressions coming but, also, please provide the UI designers that changed everything on us wonderful feedback. Why does everything have to move to “classic” or “legacy”? We did not ask for that. It was pushed on us.
Jim, the issue is not reproduced with a random action such as “Find in files”. What is the exact action name you are trying to add?
Where is this Customize Toolbar? When I right-click on the toolbar, I only get “Move to right side”.
I've got a ton of buttons on the toolbar now that I don't need, and the one I *do* need, Messages, is gone and I have to open it from the main menu (View → Tool Windows → Messages).
UPDATE: I think this is a UI bug, actually. Turns out the Messages button *was* there, but hidden behind another button on the toolbar or something like that. This is on macOS and with the IlluminatedCloud2 plugin for Salesforce development (so I might have a bunch more buttons on the toolbar that wouldn't be there with a vanilla IntelliJ install).
Frans Flippo
are you able to follow the steps from https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/articles/SUPPORT-A-443/How-to-add-back-forward-and-other-missing-buttons-to-IntelliJ-IDE-main-toolbar to customize the toolbar?
Please provide a link to the plugin on the Marketplace (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/)