PHPStorm New UI is Unreadable in Light (System) Mode
My eyesight is poor. I cannot use dark mode. In light mode (Sync with OS), the UI is now unreadable.
I can't find any way to fix this. During load, the files are temporarily readable (black text), but then flash to light green.
I have done a lot of searching and can find no way to disable this. The software has become unusable due to this. I cannot use dark mode themes. Light mode themes that I download (jar files) claim that they have no color information.
How do I fix this?

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I have created an issue IJPL-160906 in our tracker.
The issue is specific to a certain kind of project, and not reproduced on “Hello world”, or some common example project such as Spring Petclinic or Idea Community. Please let us know if you can share an example where you can see this behaviour consistently.