Unable to open WebStorm projects on Windows 11
WebStorm has suddenly stopped opening up as it is stuck on the attached screen. I have tried deleting logs in AppData/Local & AppData/Roaming, but no success.
Logs: Upload id: 2024_08_28_brnBNHBh9R5GaykcLEfxut (file: webstorm-logs-20240828-10445715901847549944450114.zip)

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Unfortunately the provided archive contains a single log file that is empty (0 bytes). Please could you collect new logs right after reproducing the issue?
Elena Pogorelova please check this one - Upload id: 2024_09_05_LqPGssN5JoSvzJBcgwdCeV (file: log.7z)
Could you check if the workaround from https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-340095/Illegal-character-in-.m2-settings.xml-Projects-fail-to-open-in-2023.3-com.fasterxml.aalto.WFCException-Illegal-XML-character#focus=Comments-27-8607818.0-0 helps?