Incorrect package-private field is assigned but never accessed warning
- Version : IntelliJ IDEA 2024.2.0.2 (Community Edition)
- Lombok Plugin: 242.20224.419
This is the ‘unused declaration’ check for java. Imagine this class
@Getter // from lombok
public class DoesThings {
@Inject // jakarta.inject
Thing thing;
public void doThings() {
IntelliJ complaining with the warning “package-private field ‘thing’ is assigned but never accessed” and _encourages me to safely delete the field_. It is, of course, objectively wrong about this, because I really can't safely delete this member at all..
- jakarta.inject.Inject is already marked as an entrypoint (implicitly written).
- At runtime, if the field is marked private then there are some complaints from CDI about “using private members with injection, I don't really like it, but OK then”; which is why the fields are package-private.
Yes I realise that I could add a @SuppressWarnings("unused") but that's just silly, because I might genuinely have variables that I _could_ safely delete…
Qualifying the Getter annotation with AccessLevel.PACKAGE does not change behaviour.
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