Plugin 'Classic UI' is not compatible with the IDE because the IDE contains module 'com.intellij.jetbrains.client' which conflicts with the plugin


Upgraded to CLion 2024.2 and found that the “Classic UI” is not relegated to a plugin in favor of VS code ui.

When the plugin is enabled, when using ssh (remote dev) I get above error in startup and cannot use the classic UI. How to use the classic mode with remote dev setup?



Classic UI plugin is not supported for the remote setup. Please check the blog post for the details: 


I see. Unfortunate that it is only be VS Code UI going forward. It doesn't have the same flexibility as the classic one.


Wow, incredibly frustrating. I will probably cancel my subscription over this. Several issues here:

  1. You replaced a UI I loved with one I hate
  2. The plugin to get the old UI back doesn't work
  3. The error message that means “the plugin doesn't work with remote development” is completely unscrutable
  4. I don't see any indication that you intend to fix any of the above.

Dear JetBrains team,

this problem is also present in PyCharm.

It's really difficult to use a unified diff window. I like to use commit as dialog, because I'm used to. Now the dialog will always cover the unified diff view, which is in main window. And - the diff view does not even show the file name. The name is only shown in commit dialog. This is no nice user experience.

It feels like you are trying to copy VS Code more and more. But it had a reason why I am using PyCharm and not VS Code. However, in this case I will use the original VS Code and not the worse copy of it. Sorry.


@Se-folz I agree with your sentiment and those of the others in this thread. I just wanted to let you know that I found this thread because I too was trying to figure out how to get the diff in the commit dialog rather than in the main editor area. I subsequently found out that if you go to Settings → Version Control → Commit and uncheck “Use non-modal commit interface” you'll get the old commit window.

I feel like the docked, in-editor diff viewer is designed for people who code without using split panes at all. It's so annoying how the thing gets squished into whichever pane is active. My panes are only sized to fit a single file's width, not the two files side-by side of a diff view (let alone three in the case of conflict resolution).


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