How to set the Project Name from previous New Project Generator Wizard Step



I am using a custom ModuleBuilder in which I am overriding:

public ModuleWizardStep getCustomOptionsStep(WizardContext context, Disposable parentDisposable) {

To specify a custom ModuleWizardStep for my project generators first page. In this steps UI I already know what should be the project name. I was hoping to set it in the WizardContext so that the next step, which is the last step - an instance of 


 which has the Project Name and Project Location fields. However I am not able to figure out how to make sure the project name I want is used in the Project Name field.

As a workaround I copy the project name to system clipboard in my custom ModuleWizardStep, and then ask the user to paste it on the next step - which is instance of ProjectSettingsStep.

Any help is appreciated.




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