Local Compatibility Check Passed, But Fails on Plugin Upload


This screenshot shows a successful compatibility check when running locally. I’ve reviewed all other reports, and they are similar.




This is the compatibility check result after uploading the plugin.


I think you forgot to upload the Marketplace check screenshot.


From the screenshots I can see that verification on Marketplace runs on IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate and locally you run it on IntelliJ Community, so these are different IDEs.


 The IDEA I use locally is the Ultimate Edition. I didn't specifically specify whether it's IC or IU. Do I need to modify the patchPluginXml configuration?


1. Why does the Community version pass the validation, but the Ultimate version does not? Specifically, the verification fails on the `com.github.vertical_blank` package. Does this mean Ultimate does not support `com.github.vertical_blank` while Community does? This is truly puzzling. 

2. Why does it use Community for verification? According to JetBrains' documentation (see screenshot), it should use the version information from `patchPluginXml`. My `patchPluginXml` configuration is as shown in the screenshot. I did not specify whether it's `ic` or `iu`. I don't understand why the same Gradle configuration verifies the Ultimate version in the Marketplace, but the Community version in my local IDE. 

3. After specifying the Ultimate version for local verification, it runs successfully on my computer as well.

  1. vertical-blank is not used in IC/IU at all. I understand this is your plugin dependency. It is hard to tell what could be the reason without full information.
  2. The first screenshot is about inspection behavior. It has nothing to do with Plugin Verifier. If the platform type is not specified, it defaults to IC.
  3. Please provide more information:

    • What Plugin Verifier version is used locally?
    • What is Gradle build script configuration?
    • What is the full verification log?

    Regarding 4 on the screenshot. It looks like the information about the IDE you develop plugin in, which is independent of the IDE configured for verification.

BTW, please share the code via code snippets, not screenshots.


Plugin Verifier version 

> Task :runPluginVerifier
Starting the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier 1.377

Gradle build script configuration

dependencies {
    testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.7.0'
    testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.7.0'
    annotationProcessor 'org.projectlombok:lombok:1.18.24'

setupDependencies {
    doLast {
        // Fixes IDEA-298989
        fileTree("$buildDir/instrumented/instrumentCode") { include("**/*Form.class") }.files.forEach { delete(it) }

// See https://github.com/JetBrains/gradle-intellij-plugin/
intellij {
    pluginName = 'SQL Cop'
    version = '2023.3.7'

patchPluginXml {
    changeNotes = """
            <li>SQLCOP 是一款用于检查 SQL 书写是否正确的插件</li>
runPluginVerifier {
    // Target specific Ultimate versions (adjust as needed)
    ideVersions = [ "IU-2023.3.7"]

    // ... other runPluginVerifier settings ...
tasks {
    test {
        sourceCompatibility = '17'
        targetCompatibility = '17'

    buildSearchableOptions {
        enabled = false
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
    options.encoding = "UTF-8"
    sourceCompatibility = '17'
    targetCompatibility = '17'


Full verification log

11:04:49: Executing 'runPluginVerifier --scan'...

> Task :compileJava UP-TO-DATE
> Task :setupDependencies
> Task :patchPluginXml UP-TO-DATE
> Task :processResources UP-TO-DATE
> Task :classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :setupInstrumentCode
> Task :instrumentCode UP-TO-DATE
> Task :postInstrumentCode
> Task :jar UP-TO-DATE
> Task :prepareSandbox UP-TO-DATE
> Task :buildSearchableOptions SKIPPED
> Task :jarSearchableOptions SKIPPED
> Task :buildPlugin UP-TO-DATE
> Task :listProductsReleases SKIPPED
> Task :verifyPlugin

> Task :runPluginVerifier
Starting the IntelliJ Plugin Verifier 1.377
2024-09-14T11:05:05 [main] INFO  c.j.p.options.OptionsParser - The verification directory /Users/Ref/codes/sql-cop-jetbrains-plugin/build/reports/pluginVerifier is being deleted because it is not empty.
Verification reports directory: /Users/Ref/codes/sql-cop-jetbrains-plugin/build/reports/pluginVerifier
2024-09-14T11:05:05 [main] INFO  verification - Reading IDE /Users/Ref/.pluginVerifier/ides/IU-2023.3.7
2024-09-14T11:05:05 [main] INFO  c.j.p.options.OptionsParser - Reading IDE from /Users/Ref/.pluginVerifier/ides/IU-2023.3.7
2024-09-14T11:05:05 [main] INFO  c.j.p.options.OptionsParser - Using Java runtime from /Users/Ref/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/com.jetbrains/jbre/jbr_jcef-17.0.10-osx-aarch64-b1087.23/extracted/jbr_jcef-17.0.10-osx-aarch64-b1087.23/Contents/Home
2024-09-14T11:05:08 [main] INFO  verification - Reading plugin to check from /Users/Ref/codes/sql-cop-jetbrains-plugin/build/distributions/SQL Cop-2024.08.2.zip
2024-09-14T11:05:30 [main] INFO  verification - Task check-plugin parameters:
Scheduled verifications (1):
nova.tech.sql-cop:2024.08.2 against IU-233.15325.26

2024-09-14T11:05:33 [main] INFO  verification - Finished 1 of 1 verifications (in 2.3 s): IU-233.15325.26 against nova.tech.sql-cop:2024.08.2: Compatible. 1 usage of scheduled for removal API and 17 usages of deprecated API
Plugin nova.tech.sql-cop:2024.08.2 against IU-233.15325.26: Compatible. 1 usage of scheduled for removal API and 17 usages of deprecated API
Deprecated API usages (18): 
    #Deprecated class com.intellij.ui.content.ContentFactory.SERVICE reference
        Deprecated class com.intellij.ui.content.ContentFactory.SERVICE is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.action.Audit.createToolWindow(ToolWindow, SQLEAuditResultUI) : void. This class will be removed in a future release
    #Deprecated method com.google.gson.JsonParser.parse(String) invocation
        Deprecated method com.google.gson.JsonParser.parse(java.lang.String json) : com.google.gson.JsonElement is invoked in com.actiontech.sqle.util.HttpClientUtil.sendGet(String) : JsonObject
        Deprecated method com.google.gson.JsonParser.parse(java.lang.String json) : com.google.gson.JsonElement is invoked in com.actiontech.sqle.util.HttpClientUtil.sendPostJson(String, String) : JsonObject
    #Deprecated method com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowManager.unregisterToolWindow(String) invocation
        Deprecated method com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowManager.unregisterToolWindow(java.lang.String arg0) : void is invoked in com.actiontech.sqle.action.Audit.Audit(AnActionEvent, String[], HttpClientUtil.AuditType) : void
    #Deprecated interface java.util.Observer reference
        Deprecated interface java.util.Observer is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.config.SchemaStatusBarWidget
        Deprecated interface java.util.Observer is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.config.InstStatusBarWidget
    #Deprecated class java.util.Observable reference
        Deprecated class java.util.Observable is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.config.SQLESettings
        Deprecated class java.util.Observable is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.config.SQLESettings.<init>()
        Deprecated class java.util.Observable is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.from.SQLESettingUI
        Deprecated class java.util.Observable is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.from.SQLESettingUI.<init>(SQLESettings)
        Deprecated class java.util.Observable is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.config.InstStatusBarWidget.update(Observable, Object) : void
        Deprecated class java.util.Observable is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.config.SchemaStatusBarWidget.update(Observable, Object) : void
    #Deprecated constructor com.google.gson.JsonParser.<init>() invocation
        Deprecated constructor com.google.gson.JsonParser.<init>() is invoked in com.actiontech.sqle.util.HttpClientUtil.sendPostJson(String, String) : JsonObject
        Deprecated constructor com.google.gson.JsonParser.<init>() is invoked in com.actiontech.sqle.util.HttpClientUtil.sendGet(String) : JsonObject
    #Deprecated method com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowManager.registerToolWindow(String, boolean, ToolWindowAnchor) invocation
        Deprecated method com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowManager.registerToolWindow(java.lang.String id, boolean canCloseContent, com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindowAnchor anchor) : com.intellij.openapi.wm.ToolWindow is invoked in com.actiontech.sqle.action.Audit.Audit(AnActionEvent, String[], HttpClientUtil.AuditType) : void
    #Deprecated method com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager.getService(Class) invocation
        Deprecated method com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager.getService(java.lang.Class serviceClass) : T is invoked in com.actiontech.sqle.config.SQLESettings.getInstance() : SQLESettings
    #Deprecated field com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState.NON_MODAL access
        Deprecated field com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState.NON_MODAL : com.intellij.openapi.application.ModalityState is accessed in com.novatech.license.CheckLicense.requestLicense(String, String) : void
    #Deprecated class com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager reference
        Deprecated class com.intellij.openapi.components.ServiceManager is referenced in com.actiontech.sqle.config.SQLESettings.getInstance() : SQLESettings
Dynamic Plugin Eligibility:
    Plugin can probably be enabled or disabled without IDE restart

2024-09-14T11:05:33 [main] INFO  verification - Total time spent downloading plugins and their dependencies: 0 ms
2024-09-14T11:05:33 [main] INFO  verification - Total amount of plugins and dependencies downloaded: 0 B
2024-09-14T11:05:33 [main] INFO  verification - Total amount of space used for plugins and dependencies: 0 B
2024-09-14T11:05:33 [main] INFO  verification - Verification reports for nova.tech.sql-cop:2024.08.2 saved to /Users/Ref/codes/sql-cop-jetbrains-plugin/build/reports/pluginVerifier/IU-233.15325.26
2024-09-14T11:05:33 [main] INFO  verification - Total time spent in plugin verification: 27 s 679 ms

12 actionable tasks: 5 executed, 7 up-to-date

full report


hello,I have submitted the diagnostic information as requested, but I haven't received a response for some time. Could you please provide an update on my issue? 




We are unable to diagnose without additional information.

Can you please provide a link to your plugin on the JetBrains Marketplace, so we can investigate further?


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