AI assistant can't print Formula using LaTex.

Use MathJax Delimiters

Use MathJax delimiters like $ for inline equations and $$ for display equations. For example:

  • Inline equation: $\frac{24}{18 - x}$
  • Display equation: 2418−x18−x24​

This will ensure the equations are properly formatted and rendered by MathJax.

Provide Specific Prompts

Include clear instructions in your prompt about using MathJax delimiters for equations. For example:"Please use LaTeX formatting for all mathematical equations. Enclose inline equations with single dollar signs ($) and display equations with double dollar signs ().Forexample,theequation).Forexample,theequation\frac{24}{18 - x}$$ should be written as $\frac{24}{18 - x}$."Providing these specific instructions can help GPT-4 understand your formatting preferences.

Postprocess the Output

If GPT-4 still outputs equations in raw LaTeX format, you can postprocess the response to convert the delimiters. For example, in Python:

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