Incompatible changes in the IntelliJ platform and plug-in API 2024

This is my .plugin.xml

I configured it. Is there a problem? Or am I missing something ,My platformVersion=2024.2.1 uses JDK17
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Your plugin.xml looks correct. It should work on 2023.3 and earlier versions. Is there any problem you observe? We have an issue in Plugin Verifier, which shows on JetBrains Marketplace false-positive about missing JSON module, but it can be ignored, fi the plugin works correctly in the IDE (please verify to be sure).
My development environment is 243.15521.24-EAP-SNAPSHOT, and there is the "com.intellij.modules.json" text in the XML configuration.
If there is no "com.intellij.modules.json" in configuration, IDEA will prompt a syntax error. So I'm sure my code is correct.
But my plugin cannot pass the JetBrains Marketplace's review. Do you have any suggestions for this?
I saw your reply that you said you could ignore the error. What should I do? Could you please give me a case
I'm sorry for the delay. You can ignore this error if you added a dependency on the JSON module, which seems you did. Anyway, I suggest verifying it at runtime too.