Unusually high CPU usage with extreme lag
Going to Help > Diagnostic Tools > Activity Monitor, I get very high CPU usage:
%CPU Subsystem
167.7 <Process total CPU usage>
33.7 Plugin CSS: psi.css.impl (in com.intellij)
24.5 progress (in com.intellij.openapi)
9.2 <unidentified: JobScheduler FJ pool>
8.4 Plugin CSS: webSymbols.css (in com.intellij)
8.4 Plugin CSS: psi.css.impl.stubs (in com.intellij)
6.8 <Garbage collection>
5.3 reference (in com.intellij)
This results in heavy mouse lag. It's constant as well, does not slow down or stop over time.
Any ideas? Many thanks 🙏
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%CPU Subsystem
976.5 <Process total CPU usage>
705.7 <unidentified: JobScheduler FJ pool>
37.0 <JIT compiler>
13.0 <unidentified: UI thread>
9.8 <unidentified: DefaultDispatcher-worker->
5.8 <Garbage collection>
4.5 fileEditor.impl (in com.intellij.openapi)
4.5 application (in com.intellij.openapi)
Same issue for me when editing a file. Am running version 2024.1 with Git version control.
%CPU Subsystem
577.5 <Process total CPU usage>
266.5 <unidentified: JobScheduler FJ pool>
40.1 codeInsight.daemon.impl (in com.intellij)
23.2 editor.impl (in com.intellij.openapi)
22.5 progress (in com.intellij.openapi)
15.4 Plugin Grazie Lite: org.languagetool
13.2 <unidentified: UI thread>
11.4 <Activity Monitor>
Such cases should be investigated separately as the root cause can be different in each case.
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