ROOT: Static field: com.intellij.ide.plugins.newui.PluginUpdatesService.ourFilter
I got a warn when i use ide so i use the memory analyze and get
[ 741K/ 17%/76.7MB] 1.08GB 1 ROOT: Static field: com.intellij.ide.plugins.newui.PluginUpdatesService.ourFilter
[ 741K/ 17%/76.7MB] 1.08GB 1 (root): com.intellij.ide.plugins.newui.MyPluginModel$$Lambda$18380+0x0000000805e2b958
[ 741K/ 17%/76.7MB] 1.08GB 1 arg$1: com.intellij.openapi.updateSettings.impl.PluginUpdateDialog$1
[ 521K/ 12%/36.0MB] 447MB 1 ! +-myProject: com.intellij.openapi.project.impl.ProjectImpl (disposed)
I think the top three is plugin update related and I just what to know why they take up so much memory
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