Cant find intelije folder, i can only run from terminal (DEBIAN/ LINUX)
i cant find the folder to open intelij, i can only open INTELIJ from the terminal with the next command:
snap run intellij-idea-community
Is there any way to show it up in my Destkop or Menu of Debian
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By default, all applications installed via snap are located under the system `/snap` folder. Please check if `/snap/intellij-idea-community/` exists
Please see for more details
it does not create a shortcut
i have found something about
You installed the IDE using Snap package manager, so 'idea' command should be already available. If it is not, please make sure '/snap/bin' is included in the $PATH variable.
but dont know where to find the path in the settings
I downloaded toolbox and installed intelij again. Its now oke. Thnkyou
C Ulas Denhaag, please try to add the line
export PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin/
to your~/.bashrc