Is there a way to change import class as alias template for new class name?

If I use “Import class as alias” action, IDE auto-generates a new class alias name based on original class name suffixed with `Alias` word. 

Can I change somehow that behavior? For example instead of suffix I want to use prefix and instead of `Alias` word I would like to use `Base` word.

I very often decorate some services in Symfony applications. In such case original service can be put as a constructor's argument for new class. 

So instead of default TotalOfItemsFromTaxonRuleCheckerAlias

public function __construct(
    private readonly TotalOfItemsFromTaxonRuleCheckerAlias $baseRuleChecker,
) {

I want BaseTotalOfItemsFromTaxonRuleChecker

public function __construct(
    private readonly BaseTotalOfItemsFromTaxonRuleChecker $baseRuleChecker,
) {




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